Have some fun! | The Joy of Collecting Art

Art galleries are like theme parks for adults. Why? Because art is joyous. The historical, cultural and investment benefits of collecting art are well documented - but what about the pleasures? When recounting the drive, both big and small art collectors invariably cite the thrill art can incite.

So, no matter your means, age, or motives keep scrolling to read on for a rundown on how collecting art can be a joy.

Anyone can do it.

Despite the stereotypes, anyone can collect art at almost any stage of life. Humans are born with a fascination of objects. As children, we stow away soft toys and as adults, we collect treasures like fine art. And with the art market as varied as it is, owning these special objects is increasingly possible.

No matter your means, prints can be an optimal place to begin collecting art. At Angela Tandori Fine Art, we have deliciously affordable lithographs by David Rankin - an Australian artist represented at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV), as well as collectable prints by established artists like Charles Blackman.

Collecting art is about more than the market.

While price tags are attached to art, artistic merit is not measured through the market. Every artist from John Olsen to Sidney Nolan was once a fresh-faced art school graduate. They had no history selling at auction, institutional representation or public notoriety - yet people still bought them.

With this in mind, try not to bar yourself from collecting art because a recognised masterpiece isn’t within reach. Instead, shop around and discover new and old art that excites. Collecting contemporary art is a great way to engage with your community.

Learn about yourself.

Few human activities have the ability to enrich our sense of self like collecting art. As collections grow, as does the story of their owner. Sometimes collections explore a theme, like landscapes or portraiture. Other times, they are assembled based on intuition or personal connection.

For retired English teacher Peter Fay, collecting art is a way to forge friendships and identity. With little interest in money, Fay set about uncovering art that struck his soul. In recent years, Fay has donated part of his collection, which includes contemporary artists Adam Cullen to the NGV.

Collecting can bring people together

A common thread connecting collectors, is the love of sharing art. After all, creativity does not exist in a vacuum - it is subject to life and collecting art enables this. Whether you like to gift art, discuss it over dinner parties or want to leave a legacy - collecting art can help strengthen and forge human connections. What a joy!

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