INVITATION: 'Eclipse' Opening this Saturday

This week marks the beginning of Eclipse - the first collaboration between between Angela Tandori Fine Art and Port Jackson Press.  This event is a live celebration of new partnerships and new art.  Represented at Eclipse are four Melbourne-based artists: Christopher Rimmer, Fabrice Bigot, Pesky and Sophia Szilagyi. Each is a visionary - offering us work worthy of conversation.  To kick-start this exhibition, we invite you to participate in the exchange of ideas with Chris and Fabrice. Please join us for wine and conversation this Saturday, from 2pm at Port Jackson Press Gallery: 84 Smith Street, Collingwood, Vic 

Christopher Rimmer

In his role for Eclipse, Chris offers us deliciously dark portraits of Luna Park.  These evocative images seem worlds apart from other series, Amapondo, which profiled beach-side cows in South Africa.  Yet, both series speak to Chris’ knack for uncovering stories and beauty in unexpected places.  This virtue has seen him exhibit worldwide, to widespread acclaim.

Fabrice’s series Naked Garden is similarly curious.  The focus here is suburban botanics, shot at night lit just by streetlamps.  Under his lense, these flowers turn alien.  This talent for creating intimacy with familiar forms has already elicited excitement from the art world.  Fabrice is definitely one to watch.  

Fabrice Bigot

Like its name suggests this exhibition is a rare moment, so I encourage everyone to join in the conversation.  Eclipse can be perused online or in-person at 84 Smith St Collingwood.

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday! 
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